Lawn Fertilizer Service
Lawns wake up hungry in the spring. Starting the season with a lawn fertilizer service strengthens roots and gets it off to a good start before the heavy growing season. Thickening your lawn with a lawn fertilizer service and weed control treatment are proactive ways to help reduce weeds and make for a healthy, lush and green lawn. Humans require certain nutrients from food. Similarly, plants require specific nutrients in order to thrive. Unlike humans, plants cannot simply take a daily vitamin, but instead depend on their caretakers to provide the necessary nutrients for survival. That's where Five Star Landscaping's lawn fertilizer service comes in. Fertilizers contain the necessary nutrients for plants to reach their full potential and have a long, healthy life.
Early Spring (May)
Lawns wake up hungry in the spring. Starting the season with a lawn fertilizer service strengthens roots and gets it off to a good start before the heavy growing season. Thickening your lawn with a lawn fertilizer service and weed control treatment are proactive ways to help reduce weeds and make for a healthy, lush and green lawn.
Late Spring (June)
Late spring is lunch time for lawns. Your grass is busy and using up stored energy. That’s why you want to supply the lawn with a SECOND FEEDING this time of year to help it withstand the stresses of summer. Unfortunately, broadleaf weeds are actively growing, too. Make sure to control them with Five Star Landscaping’s lawn fertilizer service, or they can take over your whole yard.
Fall (late September - early October)

Fall brings back ideal conditions for your lawn. Cool nights, ample rainfall and morning dew are just about as good as it gets for grass. Now the lawn is ready to grow again, and it’s looking for another round of lawn fertilizer service to get the nutrients it needs to recover from summer damage. Some experts will say this is the single most important lawn feeding of the year. We will apply your final feeding right before the winter months, when grass is prepping for a winter nap. This will strengthen roots and increase nitrogen storage for an early spring green up and a healthier lawn next year.
Feed You Lawn Every Month!
(June - September)

The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to feed it. A well-fed lawn is healthier, which means it has a better root system to combat heat, cold, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other stresses. While feeding your lawn once a year will improve its condition, feeding it four times a year will make it even healthier. If you put your lawn on the regular feeding schedule outlined below, it will be healthy, lush and green, and your neighbors will turn green with envy.
Advantages Of Fertilizers
The advantages of fertilizers are easy to see on well-manicured lawns. Fertilizers promote green color, foliage growth, and root development. In addition, they improve the overall health of the lawn, which in turn crowds out weeds, weeds off pests, and improves curb appeal.
As well as sunlight and water, grass needs to absorb nutrients from the soil to carry out photosynthesis. Most yards are deficient in at least one of a dozen elements in the earth.