Your lovely lawn deserves more than just a bunch of chemical trash. So does Mother Nature.
But here’s some good news: Chemical fertilizers or pesticides are not the be-all, end-all of lawn maintenance.
So what’s up with people who keep on throwing damaging stuff on their green front yard? Well, it’s either they associate “organic” with “time-consuming” or they just don’t care at all.
One thing is for sure: there is a major shift that will highly impact the way you care for your lawn. The trend today is beginning to favour organic over artificial when it comes to plant cultivation. Not just because chemicals are bad for the environment but also because they’re simply not good enough.
In other words, ORGANIC is now the name of the game.
ORGANIC is not about the issues you encounter when caring for your lawn; rather, it’s about the reason why those issues exist in the first place.
For example, if your lawn is infested by weeds, a wiser approach is to ask yourself “WHY?”….Why do weeds started to sprout? Why do weeds are dominating my lawn? Is it because the grasses are too short or because they’re too tall?
Once you get an answer for this question, you are now ready to arm yourself with the weapons to beat the prime suspect.
And what are the weapons, you may ask? Here’s the master list:
Mow high.
Always keep the grass height to a minimum of 3 inches. Your goal here is to make the turf grass taller than weeds so the latter will be deprived of sunlight and eventually wither on their own.
Sunlight is a necessary component of photosynthesis (the process used by plants to make their own food) so if you let weeds rob the sunlight from the grasses by cutting the turf shorter, your lawn will be a perfect spot for a massive weed invasion.
Leave the grass debris behind and you’ll be able to provide the turf grass a natural source of nourishment.
Chemical fertilizers that are commercially sold are made from salts while microorganisms that cultivate your lawn are all salt-haters. Now, throw some chemical fertilizers to these important soil components and you’ll deprive the turf grasses an opportunity to bloom with vitality.
Checking for the soil pH can give you an edge in your battle against weeds and scavengers. But here’s a caveat: Avoid buying kits on your local stores because more often than not, they only give inaccurate results.
Try to approach an expert and always remember that grass loves a pH of 6.5. Add sulphur if it’s above 7 and add lime if it’s below 6.
Never let weeds and dandelions (thrive in soil with a pH of 7.5) overpower your grass by keeping yourself proactive all the time.
Going organic is about simplifying how you deal with the problems you face in lawn maintenance. It won’t be as complicated as you think as long as you know the right information from the right people with the right ORGANIC expertise.